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Your Action Moves Us

We are a non-profit association. Our only interest is to develop activities, sensations and emotions that many times a disabled person is unable to experience due to lack of structure or opportunity. For that we count on Angels like you who can help us to carry out such actions.

There are many ways to help us:

  • Do you want to be a donating angel? There are PayPal accounts and bank accounts to receive your donation.


Deposit or Transfer to Concreto do Bem - Park

Banco Sicredi (Number 748, in Brazil)

Bank branch: 0167

Current account: 56876-1

CNPJ: 39.457.745/0001-10


PIX QR Code :





PIX key : 54999500570

Click to donate via PayPal

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Deposit or Transfer to the Park

Banco Sicredi (Number 748, in Brazil)

Bank branch: 0167

Current account: 44521-9

CNPJ (Company number): 39.457.745/0001-10

PIX QR Code :






PIX key : 39457745000110

Click to donate via PayPal

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button

Deposit or Transfer to the Association

Banco Sicredi (Number 748, in Brazil)

Bank branch: 0167

Current account: 32328-8

CNPJ (Company number): 23.601.945/0001-64

PIX QR Code :






PIX key : 23601945000164

Click to donate via PayPal

PayPal ButtonPayPal Button
  • Do you wish to be a volunteer of the Anjos Unidos Association, donate food, school supplies, hygiene or cleaning products, or donate material for the construction of the Park? Please Contact us.

  • Be an Angel! To help us, share our publications, like and follow us on Facebook and Instagram.

  • Facebook
  • Instagram

2023 Associação Anjos Unidos          #unidos_somos_mais_fortes

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  • Branca Ícone Instagram
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